Home Unpredicted direction of voyage

Unpredicted direction of voyage

As we all know, there’s lots of ups and downs, sudden twists and turns throughout our voyage of life.
We sometimes get to our goals unexpectedly. We also suddenly find ourselves in the middle of nowhere, trying desperately to look for some places to settle.

Silhouette of boat on sea during sunset (Unsplash) Silhouette of boat on sea during sunset (Unsplash)

Providing that most of us are sailing without a compass to track our routes, I assume that we are all already tucker out. Although it is quite difficult to determine to which direction should we head, we can always look back on our pasts and make them as milestones to actively monitor our paths and move forward consistently based our past routes.

This is why I started blogging today, to leave a milestone.

I knew that, at some point in the future, I was going to write my thoughts online and have my own designated space in the web, but never this early. Suddenly, an idea of getting my own “online writing area” took up paramount space of my brain. I made this github repo, github pages and pushed this post without any hesistant, like a dashing flow of torrents. I think I took a turn towards unpredicted direction during my life voyage.

It’s time to turn the light on, what’s up next?

Practice of looking at my life trails often allows me to reflect on my thoughts and actions I made. Thus, I believe it surely helps me to locate where I am to shed light on my next possible directions of my life.

Lighthouse clearing darkness Lighthouse (Unsplash)

I started blogging to leave as many milestones as possible. Undoubtedly, there are plenty of topics that I like to write and plenty more services and digital products that I am willing to create. As it is said in the sub-title section, “Artistic Aspects of Software Development”, I would like to elaborate on aesthetical views of crafting codes as my major posts.

Hope this voyage leads me to somewhere in the ocean.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.


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